Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our house is a very very very fine house

Last weekend we walked the Tongariro Crossing with Chris and others. But first, we thought it was high time we bombarded you with some mundane details of our lives in Wellington.

This is our flat (the white one with the grey roof). We have the top flat. As you can see, it's nearly surrounded by bush and sits above a fairly steep little gully. This means we get lots of tui and bellbirds shitting on our car. We've also had kaka overflying our house and squawking away, pretty cool! It gets sun most of the day, which is unusual in Wellington.

Things were a bit grim for a week or two when we first moved in. We even borrowed the mattress that you can see! Fortunately now we have a few more comforts, though we still need a vacuum cleaner. Guests, don't look too closely at the carpet.

All the drawers that you can see are representative of the rest of the house, ie. storage capacity bordering on ridiculous! But quite handy. You should see our toy cupboard...

The view from our street. I get a full view of the harbour from the top of our street as I begin my bike ride to work, very nice. Sylv doesn't get this, but does get a nice walk past the Botanic Gardens after she's slithered her way down the Military Track (down the aforementioned gully) past Julia's house.

This is the view from our bedroom window. Look at those suckers in the shade! Can you spot the ludicrously long cable car access lift?

For those who haven't caught up on our news, I've been working at CPG Ltd (an engineering consultancy) for about six weeks now, as a drainage engineer. Basically, dealing with a lot of poos and wees! Fun :-) Quite complex and tricky jobs now (though not so much from a design sense) and I've been thrown in at the deep end a bit with people leaving.

Sylv is working in the Research Data and Reporting team at the Ministry of Fisheries. She is a Senior Business Analyst, didn't you know! She's still finding out exactly what that means but is enjoying it so far. We'll see how much she enjoys it on Monday after doing a running race called the Gutbuster on Sunday.


patrick said...

Pics of the games cupboard - I want to compare ;)

Dave Aubrey said...

Looks sweet guys.

Looking forward to visiting you...

...interesting, im doing lots with poo and wee right now too!


patrick said...

interestingly - re poo, I was listening to a BBC Podcast about german inventors - and one of them made a necklace out of his dogs poo.

Sylvia said...

Gosh. What will these Germans think of next.

Julian said...

I don't know, but unfortunately I'll be the first to hear about it ... :-)

jenny said...

I don't know that, given the context, "thrown in at the deep end" was the best choice of metaphor!