Monday, April 30, 2007

Mission Impossible: the shopping episode

The girl walked under the sign, proclaiming 'Marks and Spencers' in oversized letters. She looked around cautiously but she couldn't detect any followers. Her mission was simple: locate, seize, purchase.

She quickly found her objective and manoeuvred to the fitting rooms. On this occasion, however, she was unsuccessful. Downhearted, she returned the offending item to the rack.

She looked up as a warted middle-aged women enquired where one would find hats and gloves. This was clearly a trap. She replied, denying any knowledge of such products, hoping that would act as enough of a decoy to put the women off her trail.

She knew something was wrong. The women drew herself up to full height and began a verbal barrage: why don't you know, what's wrong you with, don't they train you in this place?

A shocked silence covered the shop, during which the girl replied in muted tones - you do realise I don't work here?

The embarrassment was audible as the women marched out of the store. The girl shared a secret smile with the real retail staff. This would be a day they wouldn't easily forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what happens to mandarin bootleggers. You'll always be looking over your shoulder.